Thursday, December 27, 2012

Excited for the New Year!

Totally excited to roll out my new happenings in 2013.  I will be offering a "studio" both in my home and on location.  Lots of marketing stuff happening including promos for new and old friends.  Very, very excited!  and I look forward to all of it!

Friday, December 21, 2012


I really stink at blogging so for my resolution for 2013, I will improve my blogging!  Let's catch up...I've had a great run this past fall with family portraits and had the opportunity to photograph a local preschool.  Looking forward to expanding in 2013 both photographically and business.  Please enjoy some of my work from the past few months....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wedding at Cafe Escadrille

August 26th I had the pleasure of working with Kim and Alvaro.  Beautiful ceremony and fun guests.  Brought some photo props along and even the bride's nephew got in on the act!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Where is the time going?

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. This blog has taken me months to finally get together. For those of you that don't know me, I'm a stay-at-home mom to 3 children ages 2, 4 & 5 and married to the best guy on earth...sorry for the cheese but it's true! So yes, my life is typical chaos. Along with my kiddies, I'm trying to break into the photography world. I'm completely self taught. I break the photography rules and I like it. When I see something it may not be composotionally perfect, but the feeling is there. I loooooooove emotion in my pics and that's most important to me and I strive to capture it. Anyway, enough about that. I look forward to posting about my awesome clients. I'll do my best to keep my blog up to date so stay tuned! Best, Kristin